Android-How to Open an New Android Application

1)Create a New Android Application.

Change the Name there For Your Reference.You can change the Name when Your apllication Being Uploaded to PlaySore.Dont Worry About Name Here.

2)Change the Company Domain

In the Company Domain Field  
  •   asa represents Your System UserId.
  •  com represents extension
  •  example represents the PACKAGE NAME

             This Package Name Should be Unique.Give a Unique package name which is used whenever you are uploading your project to play store.If the package is not unique playstore will ask you to change the package name.Dont Worry about that,its Not a Complex Task.

           You give the package name as your opinion.If it already exists in Play store we can change ,Which  I will explain in my upcoming Posts.

           Dont Change Any Other Part in Company Domain.

             In above Example    asa,comshould not be replaced.Keep it as Default.

3)Choose the Device

Select the Minimum SDK Level as 15(ANDROID IceCreamSandWhich) Then Your Application Can run on Any Anroid Version Device.As the API Level goes Higher The Usage of your Application Decreases.

             The Various API LEVELS and Their Usage are given below.


This Data May Change as the Usage of Version Changes.

4)Select an Activity

                Select Which Type of Activity as your MainActivity.MainActivtiy is the Activity which will get loaded when the Application Starts.This can also be changed later in the AndroidManifest File.

5)Give a Name to Your Activity

      Initially it will be MainActivity  If you need to Change Change it,Else Keep as Such.

Click on Finish Button which Creates the New Application.

Please wait for Few Minutes Untill Your Application gets Loaded Fully.This time Depends on the Type of Processor and RAM used by you only.

              Yoy can see Some tasks executing at bottom line of your Application as Mentioned in above image. 

As the Application gets Fully Loaded it will look like below.

Coming soon...Register and Login Using SQLite Database

Thank You Friends.


  1. I too started Learning pa.this blog will help me a lot it seems.Great start sathish.Continue your Progress

  2. I waited for this much long Explanation.thankyou admin


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